First programmable quantum computer created

Using a few ultracold ions, intense lasers and some electrodes, researchers have built the first programmable quantum computer. The new system, described in a paper to be published in Nature Physics, flexed its versatility by performing 160 randomly chosen processing routines. 

Earlier versions of quantum computers have been largely restricted to a narrow window of specific tasks. To be more generally useful, a quantum computer should be programmable, in the same way that a classical computer must be able to run many different programs on a single piece of machinery.

The new study is “a powerful demonstration of the technological advances towards producing a real-world quantum computer,” says quantum physicist Winfried Hensinger of the University of Sussex in Brighton, England.

Researchers led by David Hanneke of the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colo., based their quantum computer on two beryllium ions chilled to just above absolute zero. These ions, trapped by a magnetic field on a gold-plated aluminum chip, formed the quantum bits, or qubits, analogous to the bits in regular computers represented by 0s and 1s. Short laser bursts manipulated the beryllium ions to perform the processing operations, while nearby magnesium ions kept the beryllium ions cool and still.

Hanneke and colleagues programmed the computer to do operations on a single beryllium ion and on both of the beryllium ions together. In the quantum world, a single qubit can represent a mixture of 0 and 1 simultaneously, a state called a superposition. A laser pulse operation could change the composition of the mixture within the qubit, tipping the scales to make the qubit more likely to become a 1 when measured.

Both of the qubits together could be entangled, a situation where the two qubits are intimately linked, and what happens to one seems to affect the fate of the other. Different combinations of one- and two-qubit operations made up various programs. “We put all these pieces together and asked, what can we do with the circuit?” Hanneke says.

Hanneke and colleagues chose 160 programs for the quantum computer to run. “We picked them, quite literally, at random,” Hanneke says. “We really wanted to sample all possible operations.”

The researchers ran each program 900 times. On average, the quantum computer operated accurately 79 percent of the time, the team reported in their paper, which was published online November 15. “Getting this kind of control over a quantum system is really interesting from a physics perspective,” Hanneke says.

Earlier research has estimated that to be useful, a quantum computer must operate accurately 99.99 percent of the time. Hanneke says that with stronger lasers and other refinements, the system’s fidelity may be improved.

Experimental physicist Boris Blinov says that one of the most exciting things about the new study is that the quantum computer may be scaled up. “What’s most impressive and important is that they did it in the way that can be applied to a larger-scale system,” says Blinov, of the University of Washington in Seattle. “The very same techniques they’ve used for two qubits can be applied to much larger systems.”

SEOUL (Reuters) - A South Korean court Monday found disgraced stem cell scientist Hwang Woo-suk guilty of fraud and handed down a suspended sentence in a case that sent shockwaves throughout the global scientific community.

Hwang, once a scientist with rock-star like status for bringing South Korea to the forefront of stem cell studies, had faced trial on charges of fraud, misusing state funds and violating bioethics laws.

"He was guilty of fabrication," the Seoul court said in a verdict in the trial that stretched more than three years and included painstaking details about the scientific work Hwang and his team had performed at Seoul National University.

The court also said that Hwang illegally diverted a portion of the money he received for research for his personal use.

"But he has shown he has truly repented for his crime," the court said in its verdict. Hwang's supporters, who have packed the court for each hearing, broke into applause when the court sentenced Hwang to two years in jail, suspended for three years.

Prosecutors were seeking a four-year prison term, saying Hwang had set back scientific research and deeply embarrassed the country, which was at one point being groomed into a global center for stem cell studies.

Hwang and his lawyers did not speak to reporters.

Hwang's team was thought to have made two major breakthroughs by cloning stem cells and tailoring them to a specific patient, which raised hopes of generating genetically specific tissue to repair damaged organs or treat diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Stem cells are the body's master cells, giving rise to all the tissues, organs and blood. Embryonic stem cells are considered the most powerful kinds of stem cells, as they have the potential to give rise to any type of tissue.

An investigation team at Seoul National University said in late 2005 that Hwang's team fabricated vital data in two papers on human embryonic stem cells. Hwang resigned his post and the government revoked his stem cell research license.

With major financial backing from his supporters, Hwang went on to form SooAm Biotech Research Foundation in 2006, which specializes in animal cloning and has produced cloned dogs.

Hwang is still regarded with scorn by many in the country but has fostered a small, devoted group of followers.

"Perhaps there is a chance that he might regain trust from people through sincere work. However, the truth has come out on his manipulated research and this has been made clear," said Park Jeong-woo, a professor of bioethics at Catholic University.

Scientists Fear Nanotech Threat to Health Environment

More than 30 percent of scientists surveyed expressed concern that human health may be at risk from nanotechnology, while just 20 percent of the public held such fears. Twenty percent of the scientists responding indicated a concern that new forms of nanotechnology pollution may emerge, while only 15 percent of the public thought that might be a problem.

The potential health and environmental consequences of nanotechnology are a source of greater concern to scientists than to the public at large, according to a new study published Sunday in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

The research, which was funded by the National Science Foundation and conducted by researchers at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and Arizona State University, included a national telephone survey of American households along with a sampling of 363 leading U.S. nanotechnology scientists and engineers. It found that experts with the most insight into nanotech also have more concerns as to the health and environmental problems that might be associated with the technology.

"Scientists aren't saying there are problems," said Dietram Scheufele, a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor of life sciences communication and journalism who was lead author on the study. "They're saying, 'we don't know. The research hasn't been done.'"

Big Potential

Nanotechnology involves the manipulation of matter on the smallest scale -- on the level of molecules and atoms.
Just last month, the 2007 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to two scientists who discovered the nanotechnology that has made today's tiny hard disk drives possible. Albert Fert of France and Peter Grünberg of Germany won the award for their independent discoveries of giant magnetoresistance (GMR), which has revolutionized the way data is read on hard disk drives by storing information in the form of microscopically small areas magnetized in different directions.

Other applications range from new antimicrobial materials and tiny probes to sample individual cells in human patients to vastly more powerful computers and lasers. Nanotechnology is already part of consumer products including golf clubs, tennis rackets and antimicrobial food storage containers.

Health Fears First

Scientists surveyed in the study were generally optimistic about the potential benefits of nanotechnology, but they expressed significantly more concern about pollution and new health problems related to the technology than members of the public did.

One example of an environmental danger could be the effect of tiny nano particles on natural environments if lab filters don't catch them when liquids are being disposed, Scheufele told TechNewsWorld.
A health concern includes the effects of nano particles whose toxicity is unknown on lab workers who get exposed to them, he added.

More than 30 percent of scientists expressed concern that human health may be at risk from the technology, while just 20 percent of the public held such fears. Twenty percent of the scientists responding indicated a concern that new forms of nanotechnology pollution may emerge, while only 15 percent of the public thought that might be a problem.

The American public, by contrast, is more worried about a potential loss of privacy from tiny new surveillance devices and the loss of more U.S. jobs, according to the research.
Information Disconnect

The bottom line, the researchers say, is that there is a disconnect between the perceptions of those who understand the technology and those of the public in general. Nanotech's emergence only recently on the nation's policy agenda and the media's lack of attention to the technology are two factors behind the disconnect, the researchers said.

"The conversation that should be taking place hasn't happened yet," Scheufele said.

"What needs to happen is really a dialog between scientists and the public and also politics that involves both the scientific and the nonscientific aspects," he explained. "That means science has to participate in a way that's accessible to all audiences."

Different groups in society are looking for different answers about technology, Scheufele added. "There isn't one single public. It's important for us to do careful research about how best to engage each of these groups."

Cultural Differences

Different cultures have varying levels of sensitivity to the introduction of unnatural elements into the natural world, noted Roger Kay, president of Endpoint Technologies.
"In Europe, for example, genetically modified foods are seen as unacceptable," Kay told TechNewsWorld. "In our highly commercial culture, on the other hand, we tend to shoot first and ask questions afterwards. Sometimes we're sorry, but most of the time it works out."
All it would take for a public-relations disaster, however, is for one of the many new technologies to get out of control, Kay added.

"Then the public will say, 'Why didn't you warn us?'" he noted. "I think scientists are aware of that."

Like Alice's Restaurant in the Arlo Guthrie song, the Internet lets you get anything you want -- from views on politics or science and technology or religion to recipes and gossip. Oh, and of course, news.

However, few people do more than skim the surface -- and as they do with newspapers, most people tend to read only what interests them. Add to that the democratization of the power to publish, where anyone with access to the Web can put up a blog on any topic whatsoever, and you have a veritable Tower of Babel.

So, does the Internet make for shallowness of thought? If so, why?
Just a Channel

The Internet is a worldwide distribution channel, and it's based on speed and reach. Nothing shows its value more than when it's used to disseminate information in times of trouble, such as when Iranians put videos of post-election riots on the Web.

At the same time, nothing shows up its capability to give the most mean-spirited the ability to put forth their views as white-power blogs, for example -- or the case of Lori Drew, an adult woman living in Dardenne Prairie, Mo., whose cyberbullying of 13-year-old neighbor Megan Meier led the teenager to hang herself. Drew, by the way, was charged with misdemeanors -- accessing computers without authorization -- and convicted, only to have the convictions thrown out by a federal judge.

So, the Internet is a mixed blessing, and that raises the next point: Should we censor the Internet so that only wholesome material is put out there? If we do, who should be the censors, and who will watch them?

Plato, never a fan of democracy, advocated philosopher kings and control of the arts to shape the minds of children in the way the state preferred. To paraphrase his point of view, the public had, in essence, the thinking ability of comatose gnats and needed the guidance of properly trained people. That view, of course, prompts another question: Who shall decide what training is proper?

It's All in Your Head

Let us assume, for the moment, that we have no right to shut off the myriad of voices erupting onto the Internet, as that would mean restricting freedom of speech. What is it, then, that leads people to read shallowly, when they have so much information at their fingertips?

One possible explanation is our reading habits. As previously noted, people will read what interests them most, and there's little anyone can do to change that.

Information overload is another factor. We have to limit how much information we take in so that we won't get overwhelmed. The Web serves up so much information that it leaves readers little time for anything else, and often people tend to scan lots of Web sites or subscribe to several RSS feeds to assuage their hunger for news that interests them. Think of it as the reader's equivalent to a junk-food addiction.

That addiction, and the plethora of information available on any one topic, leaves little time for anything else. "Somebody who reads only newspapers and, at best, books of contemporary authors, looks to me like an extremely near-sighted person who scorns eyeglasses," Albert Einstein wrote in a note on classic literature for the Jungkaufmann, a monthly publication, in 1952. "He is completely dependent on the prejudices and fashions of his times, since he never gets to see or hear anything else."

That tendency is strengthened by the demands of advanced industrial societies. In such societies, the productive apparatus tends to become totalitarian to the extent to which it determines both socially needed occupations, skills and attitudes, and also individual needs and aspirations, Herbert Marcuse said in his book, One-Dimensional Man.

Critical Thinking

"Mass production and mass distribution claim the entire individual, and industrial psychology has long since ceased to be confined to the factory," Marcuse says. People's outlooks tend to be shaped by their society and they want to fit in, to belong. Could that be why no one has questioned IBM's (NYSE: IBM) and Intel's (Nasdaq: INTC) projects to harness unused computing power in the public's computers for public projects?

Last year, IBM launched the World Community Grid, which taps the computing power of the public. Last month, Intel unveiled a software program that lets Facebook users devote their spare computer processing power to research diseases or climate change.

Who benefits from these projects? Well, IBM and Intel get lots of free publicity. They possibly also get huge tax writeoffs. What do the members of the public, whose computers are being used and who pay for the electricity to power the computers get? Higher electric bills, probably, and a vague feeling of satisfaction.

Why didn't anyone ask why the blue-chip companies that came up with the projects didn't dedicate some of their own spare processing power for these worthwhile causes?

It could be because of the tyranny imposed by advanced industrial cultures that Marcuse speaks of. In advanced industrial cultures, the productive apparatus and the goods and services it offers impose their own social system on the public, Marcuse contends. Entertainment, transportation and means of communication "carry with them prescribed attitudes and habits, certain intellectual and emotional reactions which bind the consumers more or less pleasantly to the producers and through the latter to the whole."

Eventually, any concept that cannot be accounted for through empirical observation in terms of operations or behavior will be eradicated, Marcuse says. News is empirical observation of a sort, even though it may be misreported due to the observer's prejudices and bias, so it takes precedence over uncomfortable modes of thought that may lead to digging deeper into a question or an issue.

So, can we change people's reading habits so they can think critically about what they read on the Internet? Perhaps. Should we do so? Only if we consider ourselves appointed the guardians of the public weal. The technical term for that is "hubris."

Signs of Ice Age noted on Mars

Mars has app­par­ently un­der­gone a re­cent Ice Age, sci­en­tists say.

Re­search­ers drew the con­clu­sion based on the dis­tri­bu­tion of ice at and slightly be­low ground lev­el near the Red Plan­et’s po­lar re­gions.

Two hy­pothe­ses have been sug­gested to ex­plain this ice: that it fell there as pre­cipita­t­ion dur­ing re­cent ice ages, or that wa­ter va­por spread through the sur­face rocks, grav­el and soil.

To find out which al­ter­na­tive was cor­rect, Sam­u­el C. Schon of Brown Un­ivers­ity in Rho­de Is­land and col­leagues used da­ta from the High Res­o­lu­tion Im­ag­ing Sci­ence Ex­pe­ri­ment, or HiRISE, an im­ag­ing in­stru­ment aboard NASA’s Mars Re­con­nais­sance Or­biter space­craft.

The group ex­am­ined the struc­ture of ex­posed subsur­face Mar­tian ter­rain. The re­search­ers no­ticed that the ter­rain fea­tures lay­ered de­posits many me­ters (yards) thick that stretch over many hun­dreds of me­ters.

They sug­gest that cli­mate varia­t­ions are most likely the source of this stratifica­t­ion. The lay­ers probably formed as dust, ice, and snow were de­posited on the ground dur­ing re­cent ice ages, which oc­curred dur­ing pe­ri­ods when Mars’s ax­is of rota­t­ion was more tilted than usu­al, the sci­en­tists ar­gued.

Va­por dif­fu­sion would be un­likely to re­sult in the lay­ered struc­ture, they added. They note that the ob­serva­t­ions al­so sug­gest that sig­nif­i­cant subsur­face ice may re­main in the 30-50 de­grees mid-latitude re­gions.

The find­ings were pub­lished Aug. 6 on­line in the re­search jour­nal Geo­phys­i­cal Re­search Let­ters.

Sci­en­tists say they have man­aged to make plas­tics through “bio-en­gi­neer­ing” rath­er than through the use of fos­sil fu­els that con­trib­ute to glob­al warm­ing.

The find­ings are pub­lished in two pa­pers in the jour­nal Bi­o­tech­nol­ogy and Bi­o­en­gi­neer­ing to mark the jour­nal’s 50th an­ni­ver­sa­ry.

Poly­mers are mo­le­cules found in eve­ry­day life in the form of plas­tics and rub­bers. The re­search­ers, from Ko­rea Ad­vanced In­sti­tute of Sci­ence and Tech­nol­o­gy and Ko­re­an chem­i­cal com­pa­ny LG Chem, fo­cused their re­search on poly­lac­tic ac­id, a bi­o­log­ic­ally-based pol­y­mer.

“The polyesters and oth­er pol­y­mers we use eve­ry­day are mostly de­rived from fos­sil oils made through the re­fin­ery or chem­i­cal pro­cess,” said In­sti­tute re­searcher Sang Yup Lee. Poly­lac­tic ac­id “is con­sid­ered a good al­ter­na­tive to petroleum-based plas­tics as it is both bi­o­de­grad­able and has a low tox­icity to hu­mans.”

Un­til now the pol­y­mer had been pro­duced in a com­plex, costly two-step chem­i­cal pro­cess, he added. Lee’s team de­vel­oped a one-stage pro­cess in which en­gi­neered E. coli bac­te­ria pro­duced poly­lac­tic ac­id and as­so­ci­at­ed pol­y­mers through fer­menta­t­ion, a met­a­bol­ic pro­cess.

“This means that a de­vel­oped E. coli strain is now ca­pa­ble of ef­fi­ciently pro­duc­ing un­nat­u­ral pol­y­mers, through a one-step fer­menta­t­ion pro­cess,” he said.

“Global warm­ing and oth­er en­vi­ron­men­tal prob­lems are urg­ing us to de­vel­op sus­tain­a­ble pro­cesses based on re­new­able re­sources,” added Lee. “This new strat­e­gy should be gen­er­ally use­ful for de­vel­oping oth­er en­gi­neered or­gan­isms ca­pa­ble of pro­duc­ing var­i­ous un­nat­u­ral pol­y­mers by di­rect fer­menta­t­ion from re­new­able re­sources.”

Oldest known black hole found

As­tro­no­mers have found a gi­ant gal­axy sur­round­ing what they de­scribe as the old­est and most dis­tant black hole known.

The gal­axy is as large as the Milky Way gal­axy and har­bors a “su­per­mas­sive,” or giant, black hole es­ti­mat­ed to weigh the equiv­a­lent of at least a bil­lion Suns.

A black hole is an ob­ject so com­pact that its gra­vity drags in any­thing that pass­es too close by, in­clud­ing light rays. Some black holes are formed from burned-out stars, but others are too large to be ex­plained in this way and their ori­gin is some­what mys­ter­ious.

The newfound black hole and galaxy are meas­ured as lying 12.8 bil­lion light years from Earth. Since a light-year is the dis­tance light trav­els in a year, that would mean that from Earth we see the gal­axy as it was that many bil­lion years ago.

It’s “sur­pris­ing that such a gi­ant gal­axy ex­isted when the Un­iverse was only one six­teenth of its pre­s­ent age, and that it hosted a black hole one bil­lion times more mas­sive than the Sun. The gal­axy and black hole must have formed very rap­idly in the early un­iverse,” said Un­ivers­ity of Ha­waii as­tron­o­mer To­mot­sugu Goto, one of the re­search­ers.

The find­ing is con­sid­ered im­por­tant in un­lock­ing the se­cret of how ga­lax­ies evolved to­geth­er with the super­mas­sive black holes that most of them con­tain at their cores.

Un­til now, stu­dy­ing black-hole-containing host ga­lax­ies in the dis­tant un­iverse has been ex­tremely dif­fi­cult be­cause the blind­ing bright light from near the black hole makes it harder to see the al­ready faint light from the host gal­axy.

Un­like smaller black holes, which form when a large star dies, the or­i­gin of super­mas­sive black holes re­mains an un­solved prob­lem. A cur­rently pop­u­lar mod­el re­quires sev­eral mid-sized black holes to merge to form the gi­ant black hole.

The newfound gal­axy pro­vides a res­er­voir of such in­ter­me­diate black holes, ac­cord­ing to Goto and col­leagues. Af­ter form­ing, super­mas­sive black holes of­ten con­tin­ue to grow be­cause their gra­vity draws in mat­ter from sur­round­ing ob­jects. The en­er­gy re­leased in this pro­cess ac­counts for the bright light that these black holes pro­duce.

To see the super­mas­sive black hole, the team of sci­en­tists used new cam­era equip­ment in­stalled in the Sub­aru tel­e­scope on Mauna Kea, Ha­waii, and de­vel­oped by Satoshi Miyazaki of the Na­tional As­tron­o­my Ob­serv­a­to­ry of Ja­pan and col­leagues.

“We have wit­nessed a super­mas­sive black hole and its host gal­axy form­ing to­geth­er. This discovery has opened a new win­dow for in­ves­ti­gat­ing gal­ax­y-black hole co-evolution at the dawn of the un­iverse,” said You­suke Ut­sumi, al­so of the Na­tional As­tron­o­my Ob­serv­a­to­ry.

Memories persist even when forgotten

A wom­an looks fa­mil­iar, but you can’t re­mem­ber her name or where you met her. New re­search sug­gests the mem­o­ry ex­ists – you simp­ly can’t re­trieve it.

Us­ing brain im­ag­ing, neu­ro­sci­en­tists at the Uni­vers­ity of Cal­i­for­nia, Ir­vine found that a per­son’s brain ac­tiv­ity while re­mem­bering an event is very si­m­i­lar to when it was first ex­pe­ri­enced, even if spe­cif­ics can’t be re­called.

“If the de­tails are still there, hope­ful­ly we can find a way to ac­cess them,” said Jeff John­son, a post­doc­tor­al re­searcher at the uni­ver­sity and lead au­thor of the stu­dy, ap­pear­ing Sept. 10 in the sci­ent­ific jour­nal  Neu­ron.

“By un­der­stand­ing how this works in young, healthy adults, we can po­ten­tial ly gain in­sight in­to situ­a­t­ions where our mem­o­ries fail more no­tice­ably, such as when we get old­er,” he said. “It al­so might shed light on the fate of viv­id mem­o­ries of trau­mat­ic events that we may want to for­get.”

John­son and col­leagues used func­tion­al mag­net­ic res­o­nance im­ag­ing, a brain scan­ning tech­nique, to study the brain ac­tiv­ity of stu­dents.

The stu­dents were shown words and asked to per­form var­i­ous tasks: im­ag­ine how an art­ist would draw the ob­ject named by the word, think about how the ob­ject is used, or pro­nounce the word back­ward in their minds. The scan­ner cap­tured im­ages of their brain ac­tiv­ity dur­ing these ex­er­cises.

About 20 min­utes lat­er, the stu­dents viewed the words a sec­ond time and were asked to re­mem­ber any de­tails linked to them. Again, brain ac­tiv­ity was recorded.

Uti­liz­ing a math­e­mat­i­cal meth­od called pat­tern anal­y­sis, the sci­en­tists as­so­ci­at­ed the dif­fer­ent tasks with dis­tinct pat­terns of brain ac­tiv­ity. When a stu­dent had a strong rec­ol­lec­tion of a word from a par­tic­u­lar task, the pat­tern was very si­m­i­lar to the one gen­er­at­ed dur­ing the task. When rec­ol­lec­tion was weak or non­ex­ist­ent, the pat­tern was not as prom­i­nent but still rec­og­niz­a­ble as be­long­ing to that par­tic­u­lar task, the re­search­ers said.

“The pat­tern an­a­lyz­er could ac­cu­rate­ly iden­ti­fy tasks based on the pat­terns gen­er­at­ed, re­gard­less of wheth­er the sub­ject re­mem­bered spe­cif­ic de­tails,” John­son said. “This tells us the brain knew some­thing about what had oc­curred, even though the sub­ject was not aware of the in­form­at­ion.”

Exotic life forms

Sci­en­tists at a new re­search in­sti­tute are work­ing to find out how life might evolve us­ing chem­i­cals not found in Earth-based life forms.

They’re stu­dy­ing how organ­isms might emp­loy al­ter­na­tive sol­vents—that is, oth­er liq­uids that could play the role that wa­ter does in fa­mil­iar life forms.

The Un­ivers­ity of Vi­en­na es­tab­lished the re­search group Al­ter­na­tive Sol­vents as a Ba­sis for Life Sup­port­ing Zones in (Exo-)Plan­e­tary Sys­tems last May un­der the lead­er­ship of as­tron­o­mer Ma­ria Firneis. Re­search by the group was pre­sented at the Eu­ro­pe­an Plan­e­tary Sci­ence Con­gress in Pots­dam, Ger­ma­ny on Sept. 18.

Tra­di­tion­ally, plan­ets that might sus­tain life are sought in “hab­it­able zone,” the re­gions around stars in which Earth-like plan­ets with car­bon di­ox­ide, wa­ter va­pour and ni­tro­gen at­mo­spheres could main­tain liq­uid wa­ter on their sur­faces.

Sci­en­tists have been seek­ing chem­i­cal sig­na­tures pro­duced by ex­tra­ter­res­tri­al life with metabolisms re­sem­bling the ter­res­tri­al ones, where the build­ing blocks of life, ami­no ac­ids, are based on car­bon and ox­y­gen dis­solved in wa­ter.

But “it can­not be ruled out that life forms have evolved some­where that nei­ther rely on wa­ter nor on a car­bon- and ox­y­gen-based metabolis­m,” said re­search group mem­ber Jo­han­nes Leit­ner. “It is time to make a rad­i­cal change in our pre­s­ent ‘geo­cen­tric’ mind­set.”

A life-sup­porting sol­vent must re­main liq­uid over a large tem­per­a­ture range. Wa­ter is liq­uid be­tween 0 and 100 de­grees Cel­si­us, but some oth­er sol­vents are liq­uid over more than 200 de­grees. Such a sol­vent would al­low an ocean on a plan­et clos­er to the cen­tral star, re­search­ers say.

The re­verse sce­nar­i­o is al­so pos­si­ble – a liq­uid ocean of am­mo­nia could ex­ist much fur­ther from a star. Fur­ther­more, sul­phu­ric ac­id can be found with­in the cloud lay­ers of Ve­nus and lakes of meth­ane or eth­ane cov­er parts of the sur­face of the Sa­tur­ni­an moon Ti­tan.

The re­search group, with in­terna­t­ional col­la­bo­ra­tors, plans to study the prop­er­ties of a range of sol­vents oth­er than wa­ter, in­clud­ing their abun­dance in space, ther­mal and bio­chem­i­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics as well as their abil­ity to sup­port the or­i­gin and ev­o­lu­tion of life-sup­porting metabolisms. Al­though known most exoplan­ets, or plan­ets out­side our so­lar sys­tem, are com­posed of gas, “it is a mat­ter of time un­til smaller, Earth-size exoplan­ets are discov­ered,” said Leit­ner.

Birth con­trol pills may al­ter wom­en’s abil­i­ties to choose, com­pete for and re­tain mates, a new re­port suggests.

The pa­per pub­lished on­line on Oct. 7 in the re­search jour­nal Trends in Ecol­o­gy and Ev­o­lu­tion re­views emerg­ing ev­i­dence that oral con­tra­cep­tives af­fect these ac­ti­vi­ties by dis­tort­ing nat­u­ral hor­mo­nal cy­cles.

Wom­en are fer­tile briefly dur­ing their men­stru­al cy­cle, just be­fore ovula­t­ion. Stud­ies have found that both sex­es’ part­ner pref­er­ences vary ac­cord­ing to pre­dict­a­ble hor­mo­nal fluctua­t­ions as­so­ci­at­ed with this cy­cle. Ovu­lat­ing wom­en pre­fer more mas­cu­line, dom­i­nant and com­pet­i­tive males, as well as males more ge­net­ic­ally un­like them­selves. Mean­while men, some stud­ies sug­gest, de­tect wom­en’s fer­til­ity sta­tus, pre­ferring ovu­lat­ing wom­en in situa­t­ions where they can com­pare dif­fer­ent wom­en’s attrac­tiveness.

Con­tra­cep­tive pills al­ter the hor­mo­nal fluctua­t­ions as­so­ci­at­ed men­stru­al cy­cles and es­sen­tially mim­ic the more steady hor­mo­nal con­di­tions as­so­ci­at­ed with preg­nan­cy, ac­cord­ing to re­search­ers. “Lit­tle ef­fort has been in­vested in un­der­stand­ing the con­se­quences” of this, said study au­thor Al­ex­an­dra Alvergne of the De­part­ment of An­i­mal and Plant Sci­ences at the Un­ivers­ity of Shef­field, U.K.

Alverne and col­league Virpi Lumma re­viewed re­cent stud­ies sug­gesting use of the pill dis­rupts wom­en’s varia­t­ion in mate pref­er­ences across their men­stru­al cy­cle. The au­thors spec­u­lat­ed that the use of the pill may al­so in­flu­ence a wom­an’s abil­ity to at­tract a mate by re­duc­ing attrac­tiveness to men.

In­ter­est­ing­, wom­en on the pill don’t show the ovula­t­ion-specific at­traction to ge­net­ic­ally un­like part­ners, said Lum­maa. “The ul­ti­mate out­stand­ing ev­o­lu­tion­ary ques­tion con­cerns wheth­er the use of oral con­tra­cep­tives when mak­ing mat­ing de­ci­sions can have long-term con­se­quenc­es on the abil­ity of cou­ples to re­pro­duce.”

Tak­en to­geth­er, a grow­ing num­ber of stud­ies sug­gest the pill is likely to af­fect mat­ing de­ci­sions and thus re­pro­duc­tion, she added. “If this is the case, pill use will have im­plica­t­ions for both cur­rent and fu­ture genera­t­ions, and we hope that our re­view will stim­u­late fur­ther re­search.”

Moon, like a big sponge, ab­sorbs elec­tric­ally charged par­t­i­cles from the Sun, which in turn com­bine with ox­y­gen in some lu­nar dust to make wa­ter, sci­en­tists say.

They add that the find­ing—made us­ing the In­di­an Chan­dra­yaan-1 lu­nar or­biter—al­so sug­gests a new way to make im­ages of the Moon and oth­er air­less So­lar Sys­tem bod­ies.

Hy­dro­gen flow on the moon as meas­ured by the Chan­dra­yaan-1 lu­nar or­biter's Sub-keV At­om Re­flect­ing An­a­lyz­er. (Cour­tesy ESA) 

Re­search­ers re­ported only last month that the moon has ei­ther wa­ter or a si­m­i­lar mol­e­cule, called hy­drox­yl.
The lu­nar sur­face is a loose col­lec­tion of ir­reg­u­lar dust grains, called reg­o­lith. In­com­ing par­t­i­cles are probably trapped in the spaces be­tween the grains and ab­sorbed, ac­cord­ing to sci­en­tists.
When this hap­pens to pro­tons—elec­tric­ally charged par­t­i­cles that lie at the cores of at­om­s—the pro­tons are ex­pected to com­bine with the ox­y­gen in the reg­o­lith to pro­duce hy­drox­yl and wa­ter, the in­ves­ti­ga­tors ex­plain.

The re­search group, Stas Barabash of the Swed­ish In­sti­tute of Space Phys­ics and col­leagues, re­ported the find­ings in a pa­per to be pub­lished in the jour­nal Plan­e­tary and Space Sci­ence.

A glow­ing tooth re­gen­er­at­ed in an adult mouse mouth. (Im­age cour­te­sy  Ta­ka­shi Tsuji, PhD., To­kyo Uni­ver­si­ty of Sci­ence, Or­gan Tech­nolo­gies Inc.) The work could serve as a prel­ude to oth­er or­gan re­place­ments us­ing a si­m­i­lar tech­nique, they pro­posed.

Re­search­ers say they have en­gi­neered the growth of fully func­tion­al re­place­ment teeth in mice, with the growth oc­cur­ring in the tooth’s prop­er place.

Tech­nol­o­gy ex­ists to de­vel­op some tis­sues in the lab that can be trans­planted in­to an­i­mals. But Et­suko Ike­da of To­kyo-based Or­gan Tech­no­log­ies Inc. and To­kyo Un­ivers­ity of Sci­ence in Chi­ba, Ja­pan, and col­leagues ex­plored ways to grow an or­gan in place.

The re­search­ers de­vel­oped a bioen­gi­neered tooth germ, a seed-like tis­sue con­tain­ing the cells and ge­net­ic in­struc­tions nec­es­sary to form a tooth. They then trans­planted the germ in­to the jaw­bones of mice.

The germs reg­u­larly grew in­to re­place­ment teeth, the in­ves­ti­ga­tors said. Track­ing gene ac­ti­vity in the trans­planted germ with a flu­o­res­cent glow­ing pro­tein, the re­search­ers found that genes nor­mally ac­tivated in tooth de­vel­opment were al­so ac­tive dur­ing the en­gi­neered re­place­ment’s growth.

The en­gi­neered tooth’s hard­ness was com­pa­ra­ble to that of nat­u­ral teeth, and nerve fibers could grow through­out and re­spond to pain stimula­t­ion, they al­so found. The re­sults are re­ported in this week’s early on­line edi­tion of the re­search jour­nal Pro­ceed­ings of the Na­tio­n­al Aca­de­my of Sci­en­ces.

“We pro­pose this tech­nol­o­gy as a mod­el for fu­ture or­gan re­place­ment ther­a­pies,” the re­search­ers wrote.

Huge “hidden” Saturn ring found

Ob­serva­t­ions from a space tel­e­scope have re­vealed the largest-known plan­e­tary ring in the So­lar Sys­tem, as­tro­no­mers re­port.

The subtle, new­found ring sur­rounds the ga­seous plan­et, but much fur­ther out than its fa­mil­iar, more vis­i­ble rings, scientists said; if it were were vis­i­ble from Earth, the ring’s full cir­cle would ap­pear to be twice the size of the our Moon.

The ring is as­so­ci­at­ed with Sat­urn’s dis­tant moon Phoe­be, which or­bits the gi­ant plan­et about 13 mil­lion kilo­me­tres (8 mil­lion miles) away. That is roughly 200 times Sat­urn’s ra­di­us, or dis­tance from its cen­ter to its sur­face.

Un­til now, the largest-known plan­e­tary rings were Jupiter’s gos­sa­mer rings and Sat­urn’s E ring — sheets of dust that ex­tend to about 5 to 10 times the ra­di­us of their re­spec­tive plan­ets.

The new find­ings, made us­ing NA­SA’s Spitzer Space Tel­e­scope, are de­scribed in the Oct. 8 is­sue of the re­search jour­nal Na­ture. As­tro­no­mers Anne Ver­bis­cer of the Un­ivers­ity of Vir­gin­ia and col­leagues, who re­ported the find, al­so pre­sented sim­ula­t­ions show­ing how dust in the ring could come from re­peat­ed im­pacts of ob­jects strik­ing Phoe­be.

The new­found ring is tilted 27 de­grees with res­pect to the main rings, re­search­ers said.

The faint but enor­mous ring may al­so ex­plain a long­stand­ing mys­ter­y: the two-tone col­ora­t­ion of an­oth­er Sat­urnian moon, Iap­e­tus, Ver­bis­cer and col­leagues pro­posed. One side of Iap­e­tus is darker than the oth­er, lead­ing to sug­ges­tions that the front face might be coat­ed with dust spi­ral­ling in from Sat­urn’s darker out­er moons, in­clud­ing Phoe­be.

Ver­bis­cer and col­leagues cal­cu­late that, over the his­to­ry of the So­lar Sys­tem, ma­te­ri­al from the ring could have sup­plied Iap­e­tus’s front face with a blan­ket of dark dust a few me­tres (yards) thick.